The Village of Nashotah was incorporated on 9/11/1957. Prior to that, Nashotah was an unincorporated part of the Town of Delafield and was a popular destination for train travelers.
The train station, located on Rasmus Road, was originally known as the Pine Lake Station but in 1875 was changed to the Nashotah Station.
Nashotah is home to the Red Circle Inn which is the oldest restaurant in Wisconsin.
According to the latest census information, the current population is 1387 with approximately 980 persons of voting age.
Lake Country School Pre K-8 serves the village residents with students attending Arrowhead High School for grades 9-12.
There is a private Pre K-8 school in the village, Lake Country Christian Academy, as well as other private schools in the surrounding communities.
Lake Country Fire & Rescue provides fire and rescue services to the village as well as Paramedic ambulance service.
Please see the Services section on this website for more detailed information.