M/W/F 8:30-2:30* (Village Offices Closed when Arrowhead Schools Closed for Inclement Weather) *Refer to calendar for periodic changes. Phone (262)367-8440 (EMERGENCIES ONLY 262-370-7565) GARBAGE/RECYCLING YARD WASTE: 262-473-4700 www.johnsdisposal.com ASSESSOR: 262-543-3332 Email: magnanassessment@tds.net TAXES/ASSESSMENT INFO: https://tax.waukeshacounty.gov
Coyote Alert! Dog Owners Beware! During coyote breeding season, coyotes can be more aggressive and pose a greater risk to dogs and other small pets. In Wisconsin, it's important to keep pets safe from coyotes by keeping them inside or supervising them outside.
Tips for keeping your dog safe from coyotes
Last updated
2/6/2025 2:39:41 PM
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